03 Aug 2018

Learning Python the Hard Way - Kit Hunter Project

Filed Under: blog
Tags: blog  projects  python  phishing 

I’ve Started to Code in Python

So I wanted to learn Python, and I figured the best way to do so would be a project of some kind. Since phishing research is a hobby and interest of mine, that’s where I started. My first adventure into Python turned out to be a looped search tool, which eventually became Kit Hunter.

It’s Designed for Administrators

Kit Hunter is made for server administrators. They can place the script outside of the document root (e.g. public_html), and locate phishing kits that have been uploaded to the server. As I mention on GitHub:

Kit Hunter is a basic scanning tool that will search directories and locate phishing kits based on established markers. As detection happens, a report is generated for administrators.

The report is basic:

  • The opening line points the administrator to the directory where detection took place.
  • After that, the log reports the exact file name that caused the detection.
  • Line three shows the tag responsible for the warning in the first place.
  • Finally, the log displays the complete line of code where the tag is visible.

For my old day job at CSO Online, I wrote about Kit Hunter and created a video showing it off. The video is below. If you want to check out the script, feel free to do so over at GitHub.


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